April 30, 2019, equity analysts, equityand bond investors from around 10 Hong Kong financial institutions were invitedto attend a Reverse Roadshow event held by Yincheng International Holding Co.,Ltd, the 1st reverse roadshow in 2019, visiting three representative projects,namely Honor Mansion(云台天境), PeacefulParadise(君颐东方) and Huijian Weilai(荟见未来). They paid field visits to these projectsite and sample rooms, gained information on the sales and operation status,and communicated with the management team of the Group. Institutions includePacific Alliance Group, BOC International, Changjiang Securities CompanyLimited, ICBC International, CRIC China, Pureheart Capital and SBI ChinaCapital and etc joined the trip.
Teams at project companies provided adetailed introduction of the projects and answered various questions raised byinvestors and analysts on each project. Through rounds of talks and Q&As,guests gained abundant information and expressed high recognition to theoverall construction quality and brand advantage of the Company's projects.They also happily shared their perceptions and expectations on these projects.
In order to provide more in-depthunderstandings on future development of the company, at the Investor Luncheon,Mr. Ma Baohua, President of the Group, and Mr. Zhu Li, Vice President of the Group,shared the latest business update and future development strategy of YinchengInternational with the guests, and exchanged thoughts on different topics. Uponthe pleasant and productive communication, all representatives of theinstitutions attended the site visit expressed their confidence towardsYincheng’s business development and looking forward to its future performance oncapital market.