Yincheng International is pleased to announce its unaudited operating figures for February 2021.
In February 2021 , the aggregated contracted sales of the Group, together with its joint ventures and associates, amounted to approximately RMB1.5 billion, and the contracted gross floor area amounted to approximately 64,903 sqm., significantly increased 1,165.3 and 1,081.1% YoY respectively the average contracted selling price amounted to approximately RMB 23,004 per sqm.
In the first two months of 2021,the Group recorded a aggregated contracted sales of approximately RMB3.6 billion, representing a substantial increase of 571.5%, and a contracted gross floor area of approximately 137,910 sq.m., representing an increase of 441.9%. The average contracted selling price was approximately RMB 25,984 per sqm.
The Group has recorded an outstanding sales performance in the first two months. Adhering to the development strategy of based in Nanjing, cultivate the Yangtze River Delta and radiate the urban area 「立足南京,深耕長三角,輻射都市圈」, the Group’s Jinglingjiuyuan project in Nanjing 南京金陵玖園, Guanhuzhichen project in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province 浙江杭州觀湖之宸 and Zhilu project in Hefei, Anhui province 安徽合肥知廬 achieved a robust sales performance. The three projects contributed approximately RMB1.8 billion which accounted approximately 50.3% to the total aggregated contracted sales from January to February In addition, the Wenhuafu project in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province 浙江溫州的文華府 commenced selling in November 2020 and had sold out all nearly 400 residential properties as of end of February 2021. It took only 4 months for the project to complete demonstrated the Company’s excellent efficiency in operation and asset turnover.