Yincheng International is pleased to announce its unaudited operating figures for March 2021.
In March 2021, the aggregated contracted sales of the Group, together with its joint ventures and associates, amounted to approximately RMB 2.8 billion, and the contracted gross floor area amounted to approximately 143,731 sqm., significantly increased 241.1% and 230.8% YoY respectively the average contracted selling price amounted to approximately RMB 19,498 per sqm.
In the first quarter of 2021, the Group recorded a aggregated contracted sales of approximately RMB 6.4 billion, representing a substantial increase of 371.4%, and a contracted gross floor area of approximately 281,641 sq.m., representing an increase of 309.5%. The average contracted selling price was approximately RMB22,674 per sqm.
The Group has recorded an outstanding sales performance in the first three months. Adhering to the development strategy of based in Nanjing, cultivate the Yangtze River Delta Megalopolis 「堅持立足南京、深耕長三角地區的發展方針」 the Group’s Jinglingjiuyuan project in Nanjing 南京金陵玖園, Guanhuzhichen project 浙江杭州觀湖之宸and Qingshanhupan project 青山湖畔項目 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province continue to achieve a robust sales performance. The three projects contributed approximately RMB2.7 billion which accounted approximately 43.0% to the total aggregated contracted sales of the first quarter. The Group extended its business presence to Wenzhou in 2020,
and achieved a aggregated contracted sales of approximately RMB749 million which accounted approximately 11.7% to the total aggregated contracted sales.